Determine an individual’s criminal record status with the South African Police Service via Afiswitch (electronic fingerprint collection and processing): 91A form or using our Afiswitch Network.
Check candidates’ credit history through detailed TransUnion, Experian and XDS credit bureau reports.
Verify Matric qualifications held by an individual through both the Department of Education (Pre 1992) and Umalusi (Post 1992).
Verify tertiary qualifications held by an individual from registered local and international institutions.
Confirm a qualification has been achieved from any institution in Africa.
Verify an international qualification has been awarded to your candidate in any country around the world.
Authenticate prospective employees' and business partners' identities. ID number is verified, validated and matched to surname.
Search for any fraudulent information related to name and ID number of a candidate, prospective employees' and business partners' identities against the South African Fraud Prevention Services.
Check driver's licence status, including date of issue and expiry, code status as well as endorsements.
Confirm that a professional driver's permit is valid for transporting goods, dangerous goods and people.
Verify that a foreign-born candidate has the right to reside indefinitely in South Africa.
Determine whether a foreign citizen has obtained the correct permit to work in South Africa.
The "Debarred Listing" search. Check the status of a FIAS Representative with the FSCA, ensuring intermediaries have not been debarred and have conducted themselves in a fit and proper manner.
Confirm an individual's current status at FSCA, including if the candidate has been debarred, date of first appointment (DOFA) as a key individual or representative, and regulatory examinations passed.
Verify local and international employment history. Past employers are contacted to validate information, including company name, start and end date of employment, position held (part time/ full time), company email address and contact details.
Verify local and global professional association membership, as provided by the candidate.
Access accurate work histories of individuals working in the retail industry.
Enables an individual's or company's bank account to be matched against their identity number or registration number (respectively). Also shows the status of the bank account.
Identify possible conflicts of interest by understanding if your candidate is a director of any company.
Company credit profile report covering the credit details of a company, including: a company header of base details, company's office details, a principal summary listing director information, defaults and judgements together with notarial bonds.
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